
Strawberry Jam Recipe

Rating: Incredibly Simple

Here is my uncle's super simple strawberry jam recipe that takes just 25 minutes to cook and is absolutely yummy! 

He made several containers of strawberry jam for the whole family to enjoy and this recipe is particularly wholesome and delicious! There's nothing quite like it. This recipe is so fruity you can't help but put lashings on your bread.

Strawberry Jam Recipe

 This recipe makes about 2 pounds of wholesome fruity strawberry jam and just sensational on freshly baked bread!

You will need:

• 2 lbs/1 kg strawberries, diced

• 1 1/2 cups jam sugar

• 1 tbsp gelatine

• If you don't have jam sugar, use 2 tbsp gelatine

• 2 tbsp butter

• 1 1/2 tbsp lemon juice

• pinch of salt

This is how to put it together:

• Pop fruit and sugar into a saucepan

• Bring it to boil on high and then reduce the heat so that it remains on a constant roiling boil. Stir occasionally

• The strawberry jam will be bright red in color while it reduces. Stir gently so as not to break up the fruit

• Add butter, salt, lemon juice and the gelatin. If jam sugar has been used, add 1 tbsp gelatin, dissolved in a little hot water; otherwise add 2 tbsp gelatin

• Cooking time in total is about 25 minutes. The strawberry jam will now be a deep red and emit the occasional bubble will burst. Take care not to be burnt by a spitting bubble

• Refrigerate immediately


  • To cook this jam recipe, use a large deep saucepan.
  • Jam sugar is sugar with gelatin. This can be purchased at the supermarket.
  • If you'd like a thicker jam, add a little more gelatine.
  • If you like a sweeter strawberry jam, add a little more sugar.
  • The butter is added to the recipe, to give the jam a smooth texture.
  • As the strawberry jam reduces, it becomes bright red in color. Reduce heat to a roiling boil and then a simmer. While simmering, there will be occasional bubble. As the bubbles burst, it may spit out of the saucepan. Take care not to be burnt by the spitting jam.
  • Bottles for storage of jam may be sterilized in the following manner. Pour boiling water into the cleaned bottle. Do the same for the bottle covers. For extra protection, heat the bottle with the hot water in it in the microwave for 3 mins or so.
  • If your strawberry jam does not thicken to your preferred texture, just return it to the pan, reboil and add more gelatin.

My uncle is THE expert on making jam. You must try his recipe for easy marmalade.

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