
Easy Breakfast Recipes

Easy breakfast recipes are the only option when you're busy and rushing to get out to start the day.

Summer Breakfasts

  • cereal with milk and/or yoghurt
  • toast with jam and spreads
  • fresh fruit
  • eggs - soft boiled with toast
  • weetbix
  • yoghurt with fruit
  • croissants and brioche

These breakfast recipes are healthy and full of goodness. Your family will a balanced breakfast diet with

  • fiber from cereal
  • carbohydrates from fruit and toast
  • protein from eggs
  • dairy from milk and yoghurt.

Winter Breakfasts

For warming winter breakfasts you can't go past

You've no time to cook breakfast, but this cooked oats takes precisely 6 minutes to cook in the microwave oven.

Here is the simplest of easy breakfast recipes - oats with fruit and brown sugar. It is scrumptious, warm and will keep the kids full till the mid - morning break at school.

Oats is a wonderful food, full of fiber and keeps us regular.

Simple To Cook Oats

This recipe makes 4 servings.

  • Use only Quick Oats. These have been processed and rolled more than "Rolled Oats" so the fibers broken down even more. As a result quick oats save time as they cook much quicker. The other types take just forever to cook, so don't bother with the cheaper versions .
  • Pour 1 cup of quick oats into a deep bowl with a lid
  • Add 2 1/2 cups milk
  • Cover the bowl and put into the microwave oven. This recipe was cooked in a 750 Watt microwave oven. Covering with a lid is important as porridge makes a mess as it bubbles while cooking. The lid prevents your microwave from getting messed up.
  • Cook on high for 3 minutes. Don't cook on high for any longer as the porridge will bubble over
  • Stir it and put the lid back on
  • Cook on medium for 3 minutes .

Enjoy your porridge with jam, golden syrup or brown sugar.

Some cut up pear is also delicious in this breakfast.

I have included other easy breakfast recipes such as omelets, bacon and eggs, and french toast under the easy brunch recipes section of this site.

As a mom with no time to cook, the best recipes for breakfast are the ones that allow you the quick dash out the door for the day. Leave the cooked recipes for weekends when you and the family have the time to enjoy the meal.

For more tasty recipes for breakfast

Easy French Toast Recipe

How to cook oats

Omelet with Ham, Cheese and Asparagus

Sensational Croissants

Easy Recipes > Easy Breakfast Recipes
