
"Bung It In the Oven" Easy Bake
Oven Recipes

Visitors Top Rated Easy Bake Oven Recipes


Thank you for your votes! Your top rated Easy Bake
Oven recipes are right here.

Our cooking philosophy is to not waste time and create scrumptious good home cooked yummies that'll be devoured in no time.


  • There's no fussing around with measuring with kitchen scales

  •  We never ever use a cake mixer - it just causes more washing up

  • Always use the best quality ingredients as it really does come through in the flavor

The Five Top Rated Easy Bake
Oven Recipes

Visitors Rank This The Top Page.

Our Easy Cake Recipes, all made without scales,  include this moist chocolate cake.

Don't waste time! We make our cakes in a roomy saucepan then pour the batter into non-stick molds.

The key though, is to always use the best quality high cocoa content chocolate.

No 2: Jamie Oliver's Chocolate Tart

Jamie Oliver's Chocolate Tart is truly something else. The base is a short chocolate crust pastry, with  a rich dense chocolate filling.  It's best accompanied by cream or ice cream to allow the taste buds to rest.

Indulgence at its easiest!

This recipe is from his best selling " Cook With Jamie"

No 3: Our Short Cut "Croissants"

We make variations to our incredibly easy "croissant" recipe including chocolate coissants.

I say no more, because it is too simple for words. But there is a trick to getting it right. Click here to read more...


No 4: Savory No Yeast Homemade Breads

For those of you who are intolerant to yeast and for those like me, who can't bear wasting time waiting for the yeast to rise, make our delicious  easy savory loaves.

Here we have pictured our popular bacon and cheese loaf, perfect for pot luck parties, lunch boxes.  I serve our savory no-yeast breads for lunch parties and they go just as well for picnics.


No 5: Totally Easy and Healthy Oats Cookies

These are the ingredients for our top rated easy cookie recipe - Oats and Golden Syrup Cookies. They're healthy as we make them without cholesterol rich butter.

Whip them up any time as you're more than likely to have the ingredients currently in your pantry.

Simple and scrumptious!

Gone in one sitting!

More Top Easy Bake
Oven Recipes as Voted by Visitors

Top Homemade
Pizza Recipe

Jamie Oliver
Recipe For Chicken

Our Easy Lasagna Recipe


Cheesy Apple
Savory Loaf

A heritage easy rice pudding

Heritage Recipe
Burmah Road

Ingredients for easy banana cake recipes

Wicked Banana
& Chocolate Cake

Easy Fudge

Homemade Cakes

A Moist Brownie Recipe

3 Layer

This easy cake recipe is an upside down pear cake

Easy Upside Down
Pear Cake

Easy Roast

Maple Syrup
Apple Cake

› Visitors Top 5 Recipes


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